Distribution and Vesting

As a comprehensive platform offering spot, perpetual, and futures trading, as well as margin trading and borrow/lend functionality, cypher protocol places its native token ($CYPH) at the core of its operational framework. Cypher protocol introduces a novel fee mechanism that leverages its native token, $CYPH, to facilitate interactions within its decentralized exchange ecosystem for borrowing and trading.


The $CYPH distribution is as follows below with the following amendments:

  • 25M $CYPH tokens from the Team's allocation are sold at IDO and the proceedings of this will be used to directly compensate user's impacted by the exploit on August 7th


  • Team: 5% unlock, 10 month cliff, 36 month vesting

  • Investors: 2.5% unlock, 6 month cliff, 23 month vesting

  • Airdrop & IDO: 100% unlock, no vesting

Last updated